Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Update on Wardrobe in Bedroom 2

Well not much happening. Finally managed to get hold of SS. Apparently the email with our idea of where to move wardrobe in Bed 2 was somehow lost in the system. The plans for moving wardrobe will be sent to the construction supervisor today for approval and he will advise us today. Well it is 4pm and we still haven't heard from him. Also asked him last night if he could send us a timeline for the next few weeks. That question was not answered. Looks like another email will be sent tonight.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Why did I ever choose to have airconditioning

If I had know how difficult it would be to get ducted airconditioning installed I would not have bothered.  I think it would have been easier to put in some split systems post handover. After waiting two weeks a meeting was held on site with the installer of our airconditioning unit and our site supervisor. Apparently they need to put in another stack point in Bedroom 2 in the wardrobe. Not impressed with this decision as there already is a stack point in Bedroom 2. What is the point of having a wardrobe when you can only use half of it.  After some thought about Bedroom 2 I asked our site supervisor if we could move the wardrobe to other side of the room. Lets hope they agree.

Also they have to move the rainwater tank further down the back of the house as in the plans the airconditioning unit is to close to the rainwater tank. That means extending the slab and getting the plumber in to move the pipes.

Monday, 21 October 2013


Plans are below. Pretty happy with how it will look. In the upstairs lounge area  EB will probably put a bulkhead in between the stack points and we can put cupboards in there  later on, possibly to use as another linen press as the one we currently have upstairs is pretty small.

It will make the room a bit smaller but that is the best compromise. All we need up there is a tv unit under the window for the kids playstation and a lounge.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Still waiting AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the waiting game - not much done this week and a bit quiet on the block.

All I can see is that the rainwater tank has been delivered. Still waiting for the drawings for our airconditioning to be sent through. They should be sent to us this weekend. Can't believe it has taken so long, we thought this issue would have been resolved by the end of the week, we expected to have the drawings by Wednesday. Apparently we have a few options which is a relief - lets hope one of these options will be to our liking.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Quick Update

Still waiting to hear back from our SS about airconditioning dilemma. Hopefully he should send us a design/solution on Wednesday (tomorrow). We sent him an email with a few of our suggestions (possibly lowering the ceilings in the kitchen area only) but not sure if that would be a solution.

Despite not much happening during the week, alot happened on Sunday. Eaves carpenter turned up to finish the back cladding (on a hot windy day), plasterer came in to measure and we installed the cabling for data.

Yesterday the metal roof for the porch was done.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Airconditioning dilemma

Received an email from our SS this morning - they are still trying to figure out how to get the airconditioning duct into the multi room. This is due to us changing the floorplan, therefore the floor joist orientation was needed at the rear. We will need a bulkhead running across the rear to provide the air to the lower rear area and it will need to have face mount grills. Lets hope the problem is resolved soon. Carpenters should be  out tomorrow (Friday) to finish the back cladding.  Today they are expecting a very hot day so not sure if anything will happen.